A full day 9-5; teams compete to find and make a wild lunch, and win!

If you found yourself in the wild tomorrow, if the zombies were coming, or if you were just lost and hungry, what would you eat? How and where would you find protein? Carbohydrates? Vitamins and minerals? What if you got sick or injured? How did people survive before shops? They learned to solve problems with what they could find, they worked together and they found a way. Could you?

Our corporate foraging day isn’t just about plants and recipes, it’s about problem solving and teamwork

Morning Activities: Start the day with an immersive foraging walk

  • One and a half hour Foraging walk
  • Learn to identify edible plants and gather ingredients for a wild food feast.
  • Then split into teams and see if you can forage your lunch. The best haul wins the first round.

Lunchtime: The teams compete to cook the best lunch

  • Learn how to make a fire without matches then teams compete to make a fire first.
  • Now you have to cook lunch from what you’ve foraged using recipe cards provided. Each team judges the others food and a winner is declared.
  • Everyone must work as a team.

Wrap-Up: Conclude the day with:

  • Death or Dinner quiz and games, a final chance to win some points.
  • Booze from the bushes wild cocktail making.
  • Drinks and presentation to the winners.
  • Reflect on the skills learned and the bonds formed during this unique adventure.
