Will we be gathering food to cook?

It depends. If we’re on private land with permission then yes. If we’re on public land then no because it isn’t really polite to take large amounts of forage to eat from public land. But even then we’ll pick a few things to look at, smell and taste and there will be a few wild, seasonal and foraged snacks to try at the end.

How far will we walk?

Generally no more than two or three miles depending upon the stamina of the group. I will try to find walks where there is plenty to talk about along the way.

Can I bring kids? Or my dog?

Yes, both are welcome. Dogs will most likely need to be kept on the lead depending upon the location. For kids, if you could let me know in advance that would be great so I can…adjust the content.

How many plants will we learn about?

It varies. Experience has taught me that it’s best not to overload people’s brains with too much information so usually between fifteen and twenty species in detail. I may refer to others along the way.

Will there be mushrooms?

Hopefully. It depends on a number of factors. Mushrooms are fickle things, sometimes there are loads, sometimes none. I do not promise we’ll find them but it’s likely we’ll encounter some sort of fungi.

What should I bring?

Dress appropriately for the weather, usually some good solid footwear, even in summer, to avoid stings, scratches, ticks and bites. Also a good idea to bring a water bottle as we’ll most likely be tramping quite a long way.

Is there a cancellation policy?

If you are unable to attend a session or wish to cancel we require 3 weeks notice for a full refund or can move your booking to another date.  After which we can only provide a 50% refund up until a week before the event but not be able to transfer the booking.  A cancellation on the week of the event, no refund will be given and we will not be able to transfer the booking

What’s the maximum number of people per walk?

Ideally no more than fifteen, more likely around ten is perfect.

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